Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Leavin Em To Starve

Getting out of the G
Grinning with Glee
Dapper in my style
With swagga in my smile
A hint of my cologne
As I pass your way
Imma leave you to starve
No comment today......

Monday, April 19, 2010

Proactive Approach

Most people believe in some higher being however do most people believe that you should take a proactive approach when having a discussion with that being? My opinon for what its worth is below.

Recognize what those destructive behaviors were in your family past and/or presently going on around you.

Remember, you are the one who is breaking the curse by being proactive. You have to be OK with that, some people typically don’t see the forest for the trees.

Only you know what’s best for yourself your family physically, spiritually. Praying with God(cause I don’t believe in praying to God) and discussing guidance for your family the way he sees fit is one practical approach. If you don't see the pattern of your past, those curses, problems, etc. they will forever remain. Problems don't just disappear you have to fight against the destructive things that plague your family currently and your past. You must take a proactive stand that you will not allow them to take your future.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Finding Space In Your Togetherness

We often seek dating advice from others when sometimes we can find that advice within our on space. One of the most important things you can do in your relationship is to assure that you take time for yourself to develop who you are and evaluate what you want out of your relationship. eHarmony (out of all places) states "nothing grows without space and air". Although its important to intermingle your life with that of your mates its also very important to not lose your identity within the process. Your relationship cant be everything or nothing. Hopefully you can leave your relationship with more knowledge of who you are, but in the event you dont at least being who you were before. I urge you to find space in your togetherness.

See another story I wore for more reference.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

A Simple Kind of Love

So my new love is a simple love.
A love as refreshing as water in 100 degrees.
A kind of love that is simple the wind blowing in trees.
Some of the things I am told can make any man weak in his knees.
I love this love because it comes with no walls or bounds.
I did not search but by you I was found.
This poem I am writing is as simple as can be because this love was designed simply for me.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A Peek Inside

I revealed my life to you
.... sorta like you asked me too
I told you my most inner secrets
.... you used them against me
I feel so defeated.
You were introduced to all my friends
.... I told myself I would not do that again
Letting you in has done me no justice
.... Next time I will be more prejudice.
My confidence has now been shattered
.... My reveal showed my divine truths
Once I pick up the pieces I will be bullet proof
..... This time I feel like a fool
But next time around I wont be moved.
So to you I say thanks for the help
.... in teaching me a new way to reveal myself.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

So we meet.....

I have never been one of those people who meets someone out and have a connection until the day I meet him. I attended a party shortly after Thanksgiving with my friend Ahmad. Ahmad notices him as he walks into the room and mentions that he is attractive to me and I say yeah he is. So we leave it at that. He and his friend walk up to me and his friend tells me he likes my jacket. He then says "he likes everything about me". Immediately grabbing my attention he and I indulge into conversation though the course of the night to exchange phone numbers and the night ends. Curtains close.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Word Vomit

We cannot just say whatever we want to say then say sorry.... over and over again. We cannot justify causing someone else pain because we are in pain- its irresponsible, mean spirited and promotes victim consciousness.

What you say and how you say it matters, once words are out of your mouth- like throwing a rock- they cannot be called back.

Language has power, weigh your words carefully. You can create beauty or emotional annihilation

Choose the higher vibration.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Outlet

Everyone needs an outlet. Even department stores send old fashions to outlets. It can also be defined as "an exit: an opening that permits escape or release". In a conversation today with an acquaintance he advised me that he and his partner were calling it quits after a difficult 9 year relationship. I asked why were they deciding to end it? One particular response stood out in my mind. He and his soon to be ex never hung out with his friends nor did the mate have anyone aside from him to check him on relationship issues. Thus the mate always thought his actions were ok. I told him I could understand what he was saying and that we all need an outlet. Someone to call us on our BS every now and then. We all need a critique every now and then it helps the relationship to have an outside prospective.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Who ?

  • Who is looking to be changed upon entering into a union?

  • What changes people?

  • When do you stop trying to change someone?

  • Where do find common ground to make things work?

  • Why cant we accept people for who they are?

  • How do you love them for who they are?

People typically never change they modify their behavior to fit the circumstance. In two separate conversations today alone I found myself conversing with friends who are expecting thier current mate to change. One finds himself surprised at his partners past. While the other wants his girlfriend to change totally. Simple answer its easier to build a child than to repair an adult. Obviously something about that person attracted you as they are, deal with that you can and only you will know when you have had enough.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Capacity to Love

Keisha and I went to lunch on Saturday and she advised me what her "capacity to love" was. She does not want more than a husband and possibly one child because her capacity to love can not support more than that. As always when having a conversation with someone of some intellectual substance typically I leave that conversation with some sort lesson, thoughts, etc.

Soooo....... leaving lunch, I was wondering what my capacity to love is. As I grow older I think my capacity to love grows weaker. I find myself not really giving a fuck about certain things that I may have once cared about. Does that make be a bad person? Well I guess I don't give a fuck whether it does or doesn't now do I? LOL....

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


As you drive down the street you see signs for any and everything. Typically we follow those signs as they are leading us in direction we are wishing to go.

How often do we follow signs that we do not see? Are lighting bolts to the forehead required for us to see signs all the time. Often times the boat passing you by can be a sign when you are drowning. Yet why do we still miss it?

Lately, I have had several signs regarding several issues just appear to me. Although, I know these have been signs (because I am writing about them currently) why have I not hopped in the boat? I am a pretty decent swimmer but I don't think I can wait for the ATL drought to dry up this water so it looks like I need to get on the next boat that passes.

Friday, May 8, 2009

What happens when.....

What happens when you are carrying dead weight? Once your arm gets tired? After you figure out you need more? When you decide enough is enough?

What do you do when the physical is not enough? Once you decide your needs are not being meet? What do you do when you want substance? When you need to hear more than I love you?

What do you do when you need just one ounce of encouragement? When you are starving for affection? When you want to be taught and not be the teacher?

You take a step back to remember that no one will ever provide you 100% of your needs. *Sigh*

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

First Next Then and Last......

Sequence is very important when it pertains to events, cause and effect, storytelling, etc. 1+1 must equal 2 before 2x2 can equal 4. It’s just the natural order of things. A friend and I were conversing about his significant other and how they forget what they do to cause a reaction to a situation. I often times have this same problem and apparently its very common.

Why do people forget the key element to a story (their role)?

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Time Machine

A time machine is defined as a science fiction machine that is supposed to transport people or objects into the past or the future. Often times I feel like I am in such a machine. In a conversation with someone dear to me yesterday, I was advised that if I decide to look back be sure to have a clear vision of my future and where I want it to be. For the first time ever, I must admit I don't have a clear vision. I continue to ask myself why am I in this machine? What keeps me traveling backward? If the future is so great when I travel forward why do I not stay there?

Everyone knows I drive a fast car and I have found myself driving so fast lately that I have not noticed the seasons changing around me. In addition, I have looked back to my past for answers and I don't even know whats the question. Recently, I have written two stories related to the past and/or future. Its about time I read them again right?

Today you will find my time machine on Craigslist. LOL. I am done! Futhermore, I will slow the G down and watch spring form.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

One Day.......

He will wrap me in his arms while I sleep
he will smile at me while starring in my eyes
he will take me to heights I have never seen
he will tell me his thoughts of a previous dream.

One day he will do things that were never imaged
he will teach me things and help me to inspire.
one day we will have conversation that is far from simple
he will allow me to caress his face ever so gentle.

One day he will make me feel like I am the king in his world
we will be transformed from what we were
he will do things just because
and one day I will say "wow this must be love".